Botulinum toxin + hyaluronic acid filler = longer lasting results

What do you get when you have botulinum toxin(Botox or Dysport) in combination with hyaluronic acid filler(Juvederm or Restylane)- longer lasting results!  Thats according to a recent report in Medscape(10/7, Melville).  Research presented at a dermatology meeting showed “botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid fillers, when used in combination in the lower face and perioral region, provide better and durable cosmetic results than either modality used on its own.“  Researchers came to this conclusion by taking 90 patients and splitting them into three groups: those treated with botulinum toxin, those treated with hyaluronic acid filler, and those treated with both.  The patients who received either botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid filler received one touch up during the study.  Even with the touch up, the patients who received the combination treatment fared better.  After six months, all 90 patients were evaluated again and found patients receiving combination therapy received the highest scores, and longevity and durability of the filler was improved when combined with botulinum toxin.”

To learn more about dermal fillers and wrinkle reducers, like botulinum toxin, please follow the link to our cosmetic dermatology page: Cosmetic dermatology
