We love being able to offer our patients rebates on their Restylane treatments, but lets face it… the rebate process is a pain in the neck! That’s about to change. Medicis, the makers of Restylane and Dysport, have teamed up with Gilt City to offer our existing and new patients instant rebates!
Here’s how it works: simply visit www.giltcity.com, enter your name and email address. Then you have 2 options- for $49 purchase a voucher that will take $100 off 1 syringe of Restylane in office, or purchase a $149 voucher that will take $300 off 2 syringes of Restylane in office. Vouchers are available at www.giltcity.com July 30th through August 13th, and treatment must occur by September 30, 2012.

Visit www.giltcity.com for instant rebates on Restylane
No more mailing in receipts and waiting by the mailbox for your refund. You now get instant savings and instant results with Restylane! Visit www.giltcity.com to take advantage of summer savings on Restylane. To learn more about Restylane and dermal fillers, please follow this link to our website: dermsd- Dermal Fillers

Before and after treatment with dermal filler
Visit Gilt City by clicking this link: www.giltcity.com