Does Your Diet Influence Your Acne?

milkThe old addage is “you are what you eat,” so can what you eat affect your acne breakouts?  If you eat a lot of greasy foods, like pizza for example, will you be a pizza face?   While there’s no proof that certain foods cause acne, there is evidence that certain foods can make acne worse.  And the offending foods aren’t the usual suspects: high glycemic foods, drinks that contain a lot of sugar and… MILK!  That’s right, the very SAME milk that’s supposed to do a body good may be associated with making acne worse! Why?  It may possibly be the hormones found in milk.  The majority of our acne patients are comprised of pubescent teenage boys or women in their 20’s and 30’s, both groups strongly influenced by hormonal changes.  Add in drinking or eating large amounts of dairy and that may be a recipe for acne.

So should you avoid milk like the plague? We tell patients not to go crazy and avoid all dairy products, but if you happen to consume large quantities of dairy, tone it down and see if your skin improves!

To read the article in its entirety, check out the Omaha World-Herald(2/28, Glissman)