Removing Brown Spots in Darker Skin Types

Removing brown spots can be a challenge for patients with darker skin types. If treated too aggressively, the patient could be left with a darker spot, or hyperpigmentation. It’s crucial for someone with a darker skin type to be seen by a professional who is experienced with all skin types.

In our office, we offer two treatments that are safe and effective at treating photodamage, and even acne scars, for patients with a more olive complexion:

Alexandrite laser with chemical peel
Individual brown spots are treated with the Alexandrite laser. A chemical peel is then applied to the area the further lighten the brown spots and to give an even skin tone. Patients notice a significant improvement in as little as one treatment.



After one(1) treatment with Alexandrite laser and chemical peel

After one(1) treatment with Alexandrite laser and chemical peel

Extremely effective at treating melasma in all skin types. The EMatrix can also be used to safely and effectively improve the appearance of acne scars in darker skin types.



After two treatments with EMatrix and Vbeam

After two treatments with EMatrix and Vbeam