We are now offering KYBELLA! The double chin eliminator!!

We are excited to finally offer a treatment that can get rid of stubborn fat, in the most stubborn area!

The FDA approved a new drug that promises to get rid of double chins without surgery.

The magic drug is called Kybella, and it is an injectable substance that dissolves fat under the chin.

What is it?

Kybella is a version of deoxycholic acid, “a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown of dietary fat,” according to its manufacturer, Kythera Biopharmaceuticals.

How does it work?

“It disrupts the fat cells” and “When it disappears, it disappears permanently.” Dr. Derek Jones, presented Kybella to the FDA

He also said that the drug destroys the fat cell’s membrane, causing it to burst. What remains of the fat cell is absorbed back into the body “via normal metabolic pathways”

What’s recovery like?

It takes two to three days to heal, no bandages are required.

Who isn’t a good candidate for it?

People with a lot of excess skin under their chin and neck aren’t good candidates for this treatment.

Are there side effects?

Yes, side effects are bruising, swelling and temporary numbness.

We are happy to schedule a free consultation and go over, in detail the results you can expect from Kybella!
