Posts Tagged ‘sun exposure’

Skincare Spotlight: Rejuvenate

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

rejuveanteLong days on the beach and warm weather activities are part of an active San Diego lifestyle, but they can wreck havoc on your skin. As the end of summer is drawing near, it’s time to start considering your fall skincare regimen.

Rejuvenate is an all natural skin restoration serum that repairs skin at the DNA level, and provides complete skin rejuvenation with ingredients like ascorbic acid to protect your skin from free radicals, and zinc which provides you with mild sun protection. Rejuvenate also helps to improve fine lines, pigmentation, and overall improves the appearance of your skin… all at a fraction of the cost of other skin restoration serums available!

To learn more about our line about San Diego Dermatology & Laser Surgery, contact the office or visit our website by clicking on the following link:

Skin Protection From Grapes??!!

Monday, August 29th, 2011

flavonoidsGrapes can be a delicious snack to your healthy diet, and they could potentially help your skin.  An article in the UK’s Daily Mail reports that “grapes could protect against skin cancer and prevent premature ageing.” 

The study, conducted by scientists at the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council, found that grapes- more specifically, flavonoids found in grapes, may have skin protecting benefits.  The scientist found that the flavonoids “protect cells from the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun…”

Grapes aren’t just for the produce aisle anymore!  In light of this new research, you may soon be able to find them in the skincare aisle as well!!

To read the article in it’s entirety, click on the following link:

Sunscreen Shake-up

Friday, June 17th, 2011

IntellishadeSPF45Confused as you walk down the sunscreen aisle?  Apparently so were alot of other people.  So the FDA announced some changes that they will require for sunscreen labeling.  Here are the facts:

When choosing a sunscreen, look for one that offers broad-spectrum protection.  According to the CBS Evening News, manufacturers may only label their product as broad-spectrum “only if the sunscreen protects [against] ultraviolet B which causes burning and ultraviolet A which causes wrinkling.”  The AP reports that sun protection products that aren’t broad-spectrum, or that are less than SPF 15 will be labeled with a warning that reads: “This product has been shown only to help prevent sunburn, not skin cancer or early skin aging.”

The Washington Post reports that the FDA will do away with the terms sunblock, waterproof, and sweatproof due to the inaccuracy of the terms.  Instead, they will be labeled water-resistant.

The FDA has not yet decided if it will require manufacturers to do away with excessively high SPF numbers (SPF 80, 90, 100).  According to the New York Times, products that are labeled with that high of a SPF “offer little more protection than those with an SPF of 50.”  USA Today reports that everyone should use at least an SPF 30 sunscreen

Before you head out to the beach this summer, make sure your sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection, that it is at least an SPF 30 or higher, and that you apply enough sunscreen (think a shot glass size amount for the entire body), and re-apply every one to two hours while outdoors.

Painkiller Linked to Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Prevention

Friday, December 10th, 2010

Researchers at the University of Alabama-Birmingham have discovered an interesting connection between the use of celecoxib (more commonly known as Celebrex) and non-melanoma skin cancers.  A report in the Los Angeles Times (11/29, Roan)  explains that the use of the painkiller “helped prevent skin cancers in patient with precancerous lesions.”  As reported by HealthDay (11/29, Reinberg), researchers followed 240 people with precancerous lesions (AKA: actinic keratosis) who were treated with either Celebrex or a placebo.  Research results showed that the number of new actinic keratosis among the two groups were the same.  But, preliminary data indicated “significant reductions in the risk of cutaneous squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma,” this according to MedPage Today (11/29, Smith).  So although this correlation still needs to be investigated further, it’s an interesting development to all us southern Californians who spent one too may days on the beach without proper sun protection!

Actinic keratosis on the scalp

Actinic keratosis on the scalp

To learn more, visit our website: Dermatology Glossary

Skin Cancer Doesn’t Discriminate

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

37669_1330426913141_1605037106_30805780_223815_nThink just because you have darker skin that you won’t get skin cancer?  Well you’re wrong, according to an article on MedPage Today (7/19, Walsh). 

The article sites a study published in the Archives of Dermatology and found that people with darker skin are “also at risk for skin cancer” especially in places that are very sunny… like San Diego.

The research, conducted in sunny Florida, showed that the incidence of melanoma increased- most notable was the increase in melanoma in hispanic and african-american individuals. 

Everyone, regradless of skin tone, needs to take sun precautions; wear a wide brimmed hat, wear and re-apply sunscreen every 1-2 hours, and try to avoid being out midday for prolonged periods of time.  Full body exams are strongly recommended at least once a year.

To read the full article, please click on the following link: MedPage Today